Friday, November 19, 2004

Americans are hypocritical prudes (dawn of the neo-Victorian age?)

Indeed we are, or at least a majority of us are and they are the ones in charge right now!!! Let's look at the laundry list of issues where America in general is far to the right of most of the rest of the world (and indeed, some of our polices or at least the beliefs held by the right-wingers, is in step with radical Islamist beliefs!):

  • Alcohol (you can legally go to war and kill people but you still can't have a beer?)
  • Drugs (i.e., pot - we are by far the number one consumer of this stuff)
  • Sex (yes sex - look at the ridiculous uproars over recent mini-second risque bits on Monday Night football, Howard Stern and the Super Bowl)
  • Prostitution (outlawed almost everywhere but in parts of that fun place Nevada...)
  • Abortion (we even refuse to fund any international relief or family planning efforts that have any connection to any service that even talks about abortion as an option!!!)
  • Birth Control (the morning after pill has been available and used safely by millions in Europe for decades and now the right-wing wackos in some states want to remove reference to use of condoms from sex eduaction classes)
  • Homosexuality (we are contemplating writing the bigoted idea of homosexuals and transgendered as second-class citizens into our Constitution for chissakes!)

What do all these have in common? Sex sex sex!!! I guess some of these born-again types were born again virgins - they don't remember that sex is fun, sex is freeing, sex is fucking a biological instinct as well!

We need to lighten up, enjoy life, laugh at ourselves every once in a while...

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