Busy packing away a little portion of my meagre wardrobe for my imminent flight out to Denver. Now that I have all the proper documentation I'm going to be flying for the first time as my true female self. The one wrinkle in the ointment (ya, I know I'm mixing my metaphors mf, what of it? :-) is that I purchased the ticket about 4 months ago and as my old, male self. But I called the airline and they said as long as I have documentation of my old name I should be fine. Although I'm sure there's a decent chance I'll be singled out for a search and a prod because of how I look. Regardless, it promises to be an adventure!
Talk to y'all late next week! Peace and safe travel to all,
ps: for any cool girls in the Denver area: I'll probably be hitting Lipgloss/LaRumba friday night. Some fun Denver girls I know plan on a "school girls" night out, so it should be fun...