Friday, December 30, 2005

new astronomically determined time-unit milestone resolutions

  1. no longer bow to the pressures of trying to live up to the unfair expectations of "Merry" this or "Happy" that. If I want to be totally neutral or even mildly dislike the whole damn over-celebrated thing - more power to me!
  2. never again drink copious amounts of alcohol at high altitude followed the next brain-pounding day by eating a greasy reuben sandwich with a side of fries...
  3. never again buy flavored tootsie rolls in bulk on the web
  4. take part in at least one totally new and challenging social activity every month ("socially challenging" for me pretty much includes everything that involves interacting with other humans)
  5. finally make this the year I get overseas!


Anonymous said...

Time to get thee overseas girl!
Thought your life journey has been interesting thus far?
Gelato awaits. Daniela

Unknown said...

I would argue that a life of adventure can be had anywhere. It's more about attitude and having a sense of exploration; a mind open to possibilities all around us every second. Hell, I have had many an adventure just fucking around in my own backyard! But having said that I have been all over the U.S., Canada, and the Bahamas (when I was a teen) as well so it's not like I haven't experienced a roadtrip or two before...