Friday, October 13, 2006

this is how twisted my (il-)logic can be

Big news!!! My surgery date is set - January 22nd. I'll pass over for now all the whirlwind of emotions that came with the realization that this is truly going to happen and soon. Instead, I took a look at the patron saints of that particular day of the year and what they are patron saints of - curious if they could tell me something about the outcome of that eventful date:
  • Anastasius the Persian: protects against headaches (i.e., complications? sehr gut!)
  • Blaesilla: patron saint of brides and widows (hmmm...minus?)
  • Dominic of Sora: protects against snakes and fever (that may come in handy)
  • Laura Vicuna: patron saint of martyrs (not sure I like the sound of that one...)
  • Vincent of Saragossa: patron saint of wine and vinegar makers (sheesh, they'll hand these awards out for anything...)

So I take this in sum as a break even omen. Perhaps a look at how these holy figures died might shed some light on things:

  • Anastasius the Persian: strangled and beheaded (ummm, not a good start.....)
  • Blaesilla: fever (at least it wasn't violent)
  • Dominic of Sora: natural causes (yes!!!)
  • Laura Vicuna: beaten and abused by her step-father - died at the age of 13 (dammit!)
  • Vincent of Saragossa: imprisoned, tortured and burned on a gridiron (ouch)

Luckily I don't believe in such things. This little exercise in pseudo-logic-astrology has effectively strengthened even further my utter disregard for superstition and for astrology. If anyone wishes to take advantage of my fall from psuedo-scientific grace, I have a basket full of rabbit's feet, astrological charts, loadstones, salt shakers and an unwashed t-shirt once spit upon by the esteemed dr. james dobson up for grabs...

1 comment:

CulinaryAssassin said...

Good thing you're not ruled by the stars like me, love. I am one of the most superstitious people in the world. And, considering that today is Friday the 13th, I'm doing quite well. Haven't walked under any ladders or seen any black cats...yet!! ;)

Love you!!
