Thursday, October 14, 2004

our tax dollars at work (suppressing dissent)

Here is the link to the full story:

From what I can tell, the US Secret Service spent dozens or more man-hours and probably thousands of dollars investigating a 17 year old kid who put an amusing bumper sticker on his car because some close-minded republican neighbor felt like being vindictive.

And the worst part is how they go about it - even after they met the kid and it was obvious that he was no threat to anyone anywhere, they continued to intimidate him, ask personal, unrelated probing questions, and deny him his right to free speech.

This is how those in power stay in power folks. This type of authoritative behavior is how Saddam, Stalin, Pinochet and Castro stayed in power for so long...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are right: I think Bush and the wackos that blindly follow him truly believe via some twisted combination of messianic logic and faith that he rules by some kind of twisted divine right...