Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Here's your homework on this day:
  1. Take 2 minutes out of your day and read this short article from Julia Serano about what this day is all about and then go out and get her excellent, eye-opening book, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity.
  2. Call or write your local congressional representatives and remind them of this day and that we won't be scapegoated.
  3. Be proud of who you are or let that t-person in your life know how proud you are of them.



Anonymous said...

Sad really. I frequently have to put up with all manner of stories at my place of work along the lines of 'there was this guy where I last worked in the UK/US/wherever that grew his hair long, painted his nails , etc. & bla, bla , bla' ..... you all get the picture. Unfortunately I'm in the Middle East and have to put up with this BS at the moment, but not forever. Kaye

Unknown said...


My best wishes go out to you in what is obviously an uphill battle at your location. Peace,
