Thursday, April 21, 2005

jiggle, jiggle, little star...

On a pure physical-side vanity note, we have jiggling! Breast development is coming along nicely - I am certainly an AA cup and hopefully fast approaching and soon passing full A on my way to my natural B! It is entirely possible I am miscalculating my size since I'm looking at them from a completely different view (on my own chest!) than what I've been used to. I must get a training bra for jogging and workouts very soon!

And I love my new little jiggly glands! They have attained a relatively high state of sensitivity, but in a good way - I am easily turned on now if someone caresses them or kisses them gently. Of course hard, frantic and pinchy with the touching is never the way to go, regardless of the body part...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me squeeze them.