Wednesday, March 30, 2005

did you know DeLay once dropped the euthanasia hammer on his own father?

I don't want to take the seriousness of right-to-die and related personal family issues lightly, but yup - you heard it right. The king of political duplicity and corruption has once again proven just how shallow some of the religious rights' so called "values" are - in this instance concerning Terri Schiavo and the oft-intoned "culture of life."

A recent Slate article exposes how DeLay and his family, 16 years ago, faced a dilemna similar to that of Schiavo's. Seems that Tom-boy's father was in a vegatative state and he had no written instructions about this, yet he and his family, acting in his stead in what they thought would be his wishes, decided to pull the plug. Get the full account of this episode and the hypocrasy of DeLay's recent actions and speeches in the article itself here:

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