Wednesday, June 15, 2005

silk sheet shambhala

glitterbugs and heat lightning dance upon the weed tops of my back yard
in a billowy sheen of white burst-blinks
flash floods and thunder crash in on the counties to my north
just beyond the hilltop horizon
but here only crickets and an occasional bird song
along with the spectacular light show, of course

i giggle like the amused, amazed child i am in this moment
eyes open for a blink into the essence of truth
a few tics of time that will last an eternity
as electro-embedded pathway-memories

a labyrinth of perception and ego-awarelessness
this is the moment, this is the now
light, dark
lost, found
wave, particle
birth, death
self, all

all in endless loops of discovery
the only goal to giggle again
when the next clash of nature
and perception arrive

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