Friday, February 11, 2005

GOP six-point political strategy playbook (Rove's ruses)

I don't claim to have any deep understanding of the long-term plans of the right wingers in this country, and I especially don't understand their motivations, but here is what I perceive their basic political strategy is, based on what I know about their actions and policies over the past several years:

  1. Use hand-picked agents and pundits (who have been well-trained in #s 2-5 below) to propose overreaching right-wing policy goals on purpose so that smaller moves or policy decisions favoring right-wing interests seem moderate and reasonable to most, even if it is against the economic interests of the voting public: a whole litany of these types of moves: judicial nominees, tax breaks for the wealthy, missile defense, the environment, "multinational force," the terrrists hate freedom....
  2. Make sure EVERYONE on the team is using the exact same simple language of blacks and whites, and hammering their messages home with precision and unending repetition: we're good and moral, THEY are evil and immoral; if you're not with us, you're with the terrorists; there is no doubt that Iraq has WMD; we can drill in ANWAR without causing ecological damage; Abu Ghraib was just a couple of bad apples; Kerry is a flip-flopper; social security is in crisis and must be fixed immediately; personal accounts will solve social security...If you say these falsehoods enough, especially through the mass media, you can get enough people to believe it, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  3. Never, never admit to wrongdoing, regret or indecision: the old "deny, deny, deny": "I barely knew Kenny boy..."
  4. Always make sure there is a mysterious, external bogeyman/bad guy front and center in the media to distract the public from questioning policies, especially those that consolidate your hold on power: they are masters at characterizing anyone they disagree with as terrorists, especially the Islamic extremists, while at the same time they are busy pushing their own right-wing extremism into the farthest corners of American policy and society. The most recent examples in order from newest to olderst: Iran's mullahs, Zarqawi, Hussein, bin Laden, Clinton...
  5. Use fear, national security and war as a weapon of intimidation and stifling of dissent - use the cover and inherent divisiveness of moral outrage over social issues to galvanize people's fears and push elitist economic and political policies designed to consolidate power: gay marriage; stem cell research; abortion; gun rights; evolution; school prayer - all used to distract us from questioning: new torture ethics (or lack thereof); preemptive strikes; gutting of environmental and consumer protection regulations; rising violence and death tolls in Iraq; patently false claims about WMD; tax breaks that only help the already rich; elimination of entitlement programs that help the poor and middle classes, etc....
  6. Always come up with a catchy title or label for initiatives that infer the exact opposite of their actual result or intention: Clear Skies Act; Healthy Forests Initiative; PATRIOT Act; Mutlinational forces and Coalition of the Willing; Compassionate Conservatism; ownership society; Leave No Child Behind...

This stuff is right out of classic political and power scheming tomes such as Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Carl von Clausewitz, and even Plato's The Republic...

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