Thursday, May 05, 2005

swinging in the emotional winds

Looks like the oft-cited emotional side-effects of HRT are finally hitting me more fully. Up to now I have felt only small mental changes due to the hormones (except more crying during sappy parts of films). I had a guess that such subtle changes were probably happening and building behind the scenes but otherwise undetectable from the usual mood swings and life changes that come with being transgendered. That seems to be the case.

Anyways, I had a minor emotional meltdown in a small meeting today at work for which I felt I needed to apologize to my co-workers. They accepted my apology with good will and no damage was done, except perhaps to my ego. In addition, last night after a good workout, I went into a bit of a depressive nose-dive; doubting all my decisions and worrying about things totally out of my control.

Luckily, like my crying episodes, these feelings passed once I had properly released them and thought to breathe and hence put things in perspective...

For anyone interested, you can read a ton of great resources about HRT here on the wonderful TSRoadmap site:

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Oh Dana, it's a very fun emotional ride :) You are finally knowing what it's like to feel some crazy hormonal highs and lows! *hug*